Global Game:
Transforming the Mindset of 60 Media Leaders

A media holding company with over 50 distinct business properties brought in a major new shareholder acquiring a near 50% interest in the holding, providing the company with significant synergistic resources and a significant financial infusion in the process. The CEO retained Morgan Impact with the goal of quickly changing the mindset of the holding's business unit leaders, enabling them to think more globally and to shift from an attitude that prioritized lean operations and resource conservation to one of realizing opportunities, innovating, and capturing new markets.


Developed a "World Leader" scenario simulation game that involved all business unit leaders, with more than 60 executives participating in the exercise. Each regional market was represented by a table, with participants focusing on numerous factors critical to market penetration. In order to succeed, participants had to collaborate, share resources, and make synchronized decisions. To assess and cultivate creativity, resilience, and adaptability, exogenous global and local events were introduced into the game, simulating real economic and market conditions. The aim of the game was to change the managers' mindset and shape new strategic paradigms that could be applied to the management of the whole holding.


At the conclusion of the game, key change ambassadors were identified, as well as those executives that required additional work and development. Participants synchronized around the new central goal of shifting from a mindset of conservation to a mindset of abundance, innovation, and expansion. The game was able to energize the participants and achieve all set goals.


The World Leader case study emphasizes the importance of a game-based approach in changing mindsets and shaping strategic paradigms in a corporate environment. The simulation of mixed real-world and game-like conditions enabled the effective activation of participants and the achievement of business goals.



1. Transforming a pharmaceutical business


3. Achieving More with Less